Hamilton's Platform & Proven Record
On this page, you will find the issues that Warren Hamilton has a proven record of fighting for and his stance on the issues.


"Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - Direct quote from U.S. Constitution. As a West Point Graduate and combat Veteran who swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of The United States of America, I have ALWAYS supported The 2nd Amendment. This is a GOD given RIGHT, which government does NOT have the authority to take away or infringe. The ability to defend our families & Country, is the Right that protects all of our other rights.
Senator Hamilton's 1st legislation signed into law in 2021 was The Oklahoma Second Amendment Sanctuary State Act (SB 631). Watch this update from Senator Hamilton and leader of OK2A, Don Spencer, on the passing of SB 631: click here to watch video.

Voted against and debated against mega funding for woke foreign corporations at the expense of our small rural business. Listen to senate floor argument against HB4455 that would have funded woke companies with our taxes dollars to come to Oklahoma, click here.

Voted for the largest teachers pay raise in Oklahoma history along with funding for parental choice. (SB926)(SB971)
Authored a bill to safeguard our children from obscene material in our public school libraries by establishing local control of a public school and implementing a library rating system (SB397) (SB 1208)
Co-authored a bill for education funding; directing the State Department of Education to develop a plan to phase out use of federal funds. (SB 863)

Rallied over 6,000 health professionals at the State Capitol to stand against the vaccine mandates. As well as filed legislation to stop the mandates.

Filed legislation for the past 3 sessions to stop foreign ownership of Oklahoma Land. Co-Authored SB212 to close the loopholes in our laws.

Government must first be accountable, transparent, and responsible with what they already take from us. NO TAX INCREASES.
Hamilton supported Governor Stitt's special session call in October 2023, to provide real relief to the Oklahomans we represent. It is time to provide a personal income tax cut to our citizens and eliminate the grocery tax. See press release here.

As a West Point grad and combat veteran with years of unique military experience (learn more about Hamilton here), Hamilton is committed to protecting those who serve and have served in the U.S. Military. We have a duty to take care of those who sacrifice their lives for our country.
Warren Hamilton was selected to join the Strategic Military Planning Commission by Senate Pro. Tem. Greg Treat because of his uniquely qualifying military experience. Read more here.

Rights come from our creator, not government. Government exists to protect our rightsnot take them away.

The most important duty of government is to protect life. I have and will continue to author the Oklahoma Abolition of Abortion Act until it's passed into law.
Authored legislation to end abortion, The Equal Protection Act (SB 402). See Senator Hamilton's legislative update when bill did not pass out of committee (legislative update).
Hamilton fought against a Senate Joint Resolution (SJR17) because it would not have provided protection to the pre-born. Watch his senate floor argument here.

Drivers Licenses and voting (SB669) for illegal immigrants, this bill would have left opportunity for illegals to get a driver license which could lead to allowing illegals aliens to be able to vote in our elections.
Senator Hamilton fought against and voted down SB669, a bill that would allow illegals to get drivers licesnes! See Hamilton's update from that bill here. See his senate floor argument here.
To learn more about the bills that Senator Hamilton has authored, passed, signed, and even voted on check out his record on Bill Track 50 by clicking here.
The Oklahoma Constitution
Hamilton's Conservative Index Score for 2023 was a 100% conservative rating. Check out the details of their scoring by clicking below.
Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association (OK2A)
Hamilton's Legislative Score for 2023 was an A grade rating. Check out the details of their scoring by clicking below.
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA)
Hamilton's Legislatve Score for 2023 was a 94% conservative rating with a 98% attendance record. Check out the details of their scoring by clicking below.
Oklahoma Health & Parental Rights (OKHPR)
Hamilton's Score with OKHPR in 2020 was an A grade rating.


Senator Warren Hamilton Named “Wilberforce Champion of Life”
valuable because we are made in the image of God. We are different from opossums and cock roaches. Because we are all equally human and equally precious to God, we should be valued equally under the law. Our founding fathers therefore ensconced these principles in our founding documents." ... "Senator Hamilton ought to be celebrated by grassroots conservatives as the true pro-life champion and abolitionist that he is. Therefore, Oklahomans United for Life is proud to name Senator Warren Hamilton our 2022 “Wilberforce Champion of Life,” for fighting not only the injustice of abortion, but for exposing the injustice of establishment “pro-life” politicians and policies. This award gets its name from William Wilberforce who was a member of the British Parliament and is famous for his life-long campaign to abolish the slave trade, and eventually slavery itself. Year after year he introduced legislation to abolish slavery, but year after year justice was twisted, denied, and delayed, often by leaders in his own political party."
Excerpts from John Michener, Oklahomans United for Life
"The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States requires due process to take a life, and the Fourteenth Amendment requires every innocent life to be given equal protection of the laws within a State. These twin constitutional pillars of a right to life and equal protection under the law are grounded in a biblical understanding of God’s nature. God does not show partiality or favoritism: “Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly” (Lev. 19:15); “For Yehovah your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes” (Deut. 10:17-18); “For God does not show favoritism” (Romans 2:11). Human beings are intrinsically